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Level N has carried out over 30 projects in its history,  here are some of the most recent


Level N provided the key Active Media IP, architecting and developing the various proofs of concept (POC) required to secure funding, as well as leading the team through due diligence

Cloud-based solution, using elements of blockchain technology (ethereum). Involved codec development in C++ whilst other aspects of the solution were coded in Java. AWS cloud with Kubernetes and istio.

Java, C++ (MacOs), SpringBoot, MySQL, AWS, Bootstrap 4, Vuejs, Kubernetes, Istio, Docker, Helm


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VOCADO //  02

Now known as Oracle Student Cloud, Level N created the original designs and architecture for the Vocado School Management Software.  We approached the problem from a completely different angle than that of competitors.  We created an Artificially Intelligent Expert System to manage the complex rules surrounding School Management and Student Finance.

 An entirely cloud based solution, we were AWS pioneers and innovators back in 2007. Our team spanned 4 continents, and used advanced remote collaboration tools to remain highly efficient.

Level N oversaw the growth of company to <100 staff and consultants.  Running the Engineering and IT departments initially, towards the end Level N concentrated mainly on architecture and new technology.

  • Developed Business from nothing to number one School Financial Aid Management Software in the US


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